Pikes Peak PF & QF Chapter 247 - Habitat Page

Local Habitat Efforts

Local Habitat Efforts

Pikes Peak PF & Quail Forever Chapter 247's members are truly passionate about creating, preserving and restoring habitat that benefits pheasants, quail and other upland wildlife. This unique model empowers local chapters with the responsibility to determine how 100 percent of their locally-raised conservation funds will be spent.

Whether it's through improving habitat, informing the public about land management or educating future generations of hunting enthusiasts, conservation is the underlying principle in all we do at the grassroots level.

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Corners For Conservation

Corners For Conservation

The Corners for Conservation program is a partnership between Colorado Parks & Wildlife and Pheasants Forever. The program began in 2016 and aims to address the decline in grassland habitat and species, while assisting landowners in making use of odd areas. By focusing on pivot comers, the program locates small areas throughout the eastern plains of Colorado to establish into highly diverse grassland habitat. In addition, acres in the program are included in Colorado Parks & Wildlife's Walk-In Access program which provides hunters with access to suitable hunting locations.

Pheasants Forever's Legislative Action Fund Donation

Through generous donations and fundraising we were able to donate $10,000 to Pheasants Forever's Legislative Action Fund in 2019. This donation will help deliver a broader impact to the organization's wildlife habitat conservation mission by funding efforts to shape conservation policy in Washington, D.C. and in state capitals.

This Legislative Action Fund has always been one of the organization's strongest initiatives because the fruits of these efforts - though they take place in meeting rooms and halls as far away as the nation's capital - can be seen each time one steps into a CRP field to chase roosters. Legislative Action fund dollars have made initiatives like our unique farm Bill Biologist program happen; they've helped us create unique state CREP initiatives and the new CRP SAFE initiative; they have helped garner state and federal matching grants. In simplest terms, these Legislative Action Fund dollars show national conservation leadership and deliver local wildlife habitat results.

The reality is that the work in the legislative arena is a constant, ongoing effort. We're fighting harder than ever to maintain the viability of the Conservation Reserve Program. We're working hard to implement the new Farm Bill and trying to expand the proven Farm Bill Biologist program.

Local Chapter Projects

Local Chapter Projects

We started it, but we want your input and participation to make it grow.  We aren't just asking for your muscle this time...  We have 40% of the banquet proceeds to invest in CO habitat.  Erik Smith is soliciting your participation on a committee to formulate long-term plans.  We approved contribution to the national Legislative Action Fund (LAF), the Corners for Conservation (C4C) Program, and the Farm Bill Biologists to help with conservation challenges and protection of our habitat.  There is more to be done to focus and execute Colorado efforts.  

2025 Photos & Text Copyright - © Pheasants Forever Pikes Peak - 247
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